The best English mock exams for CBR!

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50 mock exams, 3250 questions and 9 tests.

Are you nervous for the real exam? Don’t worry! With our exams you will enter the exams with full confidence.

Our mock exams are adjusted to the level of CBR exams. A wrong answer? No worries! You will get a detailed explanation at the end of the mock exam, to ensure you learn from your mistakes.

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We work with the best quality learning material. We are so sure about our quality that we guarantee success.

If you passed 7 of the 10 last made exams at our online exams and you fail the CBR Exam
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Hazard perception

Learn to identify the right moments to hit the brakes, when to accelerate or when to maintain your driving position. Multiple real-life situations are presented here.


Learn how to interpret priority situations on the road, when and how to change lanes and more.


In this part, it is imporant to apply rules to practise. Furthermore you will learn how to make proper behavioral decisions while driving. It is crucial that you test your knowledge of road signs, how to operate a driving vehicle and the rules of the road.

Based on 232 reviews
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RH king (Roi Hershko)RH king (Roi Hershko)
19:55 16 Dec 24
Went to their one day course and used their website course and passed the exam on my first try! Can't be more satisfied with their support and material. Definitely recommended!
18:48 10 Dec 24
Saleh CheemaSaleh Cheema
19:06 09 Dec 24
Just practice mock exam for one week and got the desired results! Strongly recommended! Make sure that you practice enough before giving it a try!
Cristina DCristina D
12:57 05 Dec 24
I just had my theory today (english, license B) and I pased it with almost no mistakes!To study, I combined the courses from this website to ones from another school. The combo of different sources helped me understand all the theory logically, which is how I personally can remember things long term :)To study from I bought mock exams + the video course (not live) and studied everyday for 2h after work, for 2.5 weeks! 🥳 Very happy with my choice.I whole heartedly recommend this combination of products if you’re someone who CAN study on their own, as all the questions you don’t understand during the mock exams practice you GET EXPLAINED during the video course.Important to mention, try to learn the values/numbers by heart (ex, the allowed lenght of cars, how many meters you can park from a crossing, etc). You have to introduce these numbers yourselves at the CBR exam, it’s not multiple choice! So make sure to study that hard.Good luck!
Winny YasinWinny Yasin
11:46 04 Dec 24
I enrolled to this course by my friend’s recommendation who’s passed her theorie exam on the first attempt. At first I have low expectation as the price is really affordable. But it turns out that they offer a very comprehensive modules from everyday online classes (recorded presentation and live zoom), one-to-one session, 1 day crash course and soooo many tests and 50 mock exams! They also whatsapps you to let you know that they are ready to answer all questions. And true, my questions was replied within minutes!I cannot stop telling how good their service and courses, the crash course instructor was also very clear and accommodating, in a semi private class of 7 students. He even gave us the summary book, really handy for a quick study.This morning I sat for the theorie exam and passed for the first attempt!! So I’d like to recommend National Theory Exam to everyone, please study all their materials, attend their courses and do the mock exam as much as possible, then your real CBR exam becomes easier! As their mock exams are definitely more tricky haha. A BIG THANK YOU!
Pedro PiresPedro Pires
13:18 03 Dec 24
David OlayaDavid Olaya
15:53 02 Dec 24
ML BoyML Boy
08:54 02 Dec 24
I don't necessarily have a good experience with Nationaal Theorie Centrum. I had to travel all the way from Groningen to Arnhem (instead of Zwolle), to end up in a non-heated classroom (in winter).The organization rented a room next to a space where art students were building, sawing and hammering their projects. The cold and the noise were terrible while trying to focus on something important.The teacher was nice, but Nationaal Theorie Centrum forgot to hire a teacher who speaks English fluently for an English course......... I don't recommend this.

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Get access to 3250 practise questions, 60 mock exams, 9 tests and 10 extra insight tests.

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Mock exams

Become fully prepared for the real exam! Our mock exams ensure that any nervousness for the real exam will vanish completely!  Our mock exams match the level of CBR exams. Gave the wrong answer? No worries! You will receive a detailed explanation of the right answer at the end of the mock exam. 

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