CBR Passenger Car Theory B in English

Pass for sure!
Our Online Platform
60 Mock exams, 3250 questions and 9 tests.
Are you nervous for the real exam? Don’t worry! With our exams you will enter the exams with full confidence.
Our mock exams are adjusted to the level of CBR exams. A wrong answer? No worries! You will get a detailed explanation at the end of the mock exam, to ensure you learn from your mistakes.
Video Theorycourse for CBR Car exam


We are here to help you pass the CBR exam.
Any questions, do you need help?
Just contact us on Whatsapp.

Live Online Theorycourse
Everything you need to know
Together we can help you pass your exam as quickly as possible! We will cover everything you need to know for the exam at the CBR during our course.
Experienced teachers
We do English Courses on a daily basis. All of our teachers are experienced and skilled.
Ask Questions
Ask questions anytime you like! Our teachers are here to help!
Individual courses
Do you study better when you follow a private lesson? We offer both Zoom and in-person lessons. Register now!
Car One-day classroom courses

Do you think your English is not good enough to make the exam in English?
It is possible to hire a translator at the CBR to take the exam in another language. We can help you book the exam with a translator as well! You can hire a translator for the CBR exam through HearHear. They offer the following languages:
- Urdu
- Farsi
- Chinese (Mandarin)
- Turkish
- Polish
- Tigrinya
- Arabic
Don’t get scammed!
Always book yourself at cbr.nl/en.

Do you need extra time at the CBR exam?
Our mock exams are adjusted to provide extra time for students that need it. Such as those with dyslexia or who are on the ADHD/autism spectrum.
Important note: for the hazard perception section you do not receive extra time at the CBR exam. For this reason, you also do not receive extra time for this in our mock exams. This way, our exams closely resemble the real exam at the CBR.
If you need extra time (15 minutes) you might want to book a BTH-E-VE exam at the CBR. This exam costs a bit more than the regular exam at CBR.

What is this online license?
The online license gives you access to our online theory platform. This contains 500 practise questions. You can use this before the course. After the course, this license gives you access to 50 exams. If you pass these online exams, you are 100% ready for the CBR Theory Exam.